Admissions Rubric – Fall 2025
Updated – December 05, 2024
As a resource for future applications, please review the rubric below. This is used by our Bredesen Center admissions committees to evaluate application material.
- We are unable to provide individual scores or feedback at this time.
- Admission is contingent upon a student’s ability to be granted a site-access badge for the Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Required Materials
Component (by priority of consideration) | Points Values and Descriptions | Holistic Considerations |
Research (weighted 0.3) | 1 – High – program relevant research experience outside coursework, co-authored one paper, or presented at conference(s) or otherwise 2 – Medium – research limited to capstone or other curricular requirements 3 – Low – has no identifiable research experience | Does the applicant express a desire to do research in an interdisciplinary setting? Does the applicant bring a unique or underrepresented perspective or skill set that would enhance research experience at UT or ORNL? Did the student participate in any organizations or clubs that demonstrate a passion for research? Did the applicant mention any advisors they would consider working with? |
Letters of Recommendation (weighted 0.25) | 1 – High – specific statements pointing to skills needed for success (i.e. initiative, perseverance, problem-solving, etc.) 2 – Medium – no serious red flags and no specific outstanding remarks (i.e. average or general) 3 – Low – extremely vague or includes cautionary language or evidence of skills lacking | Did the letters come from principal advisors and/or someone from their most recent university/workplace? Did the recommender describe experiences that could have lifted or hindered the applicant’s ability to succeed? |
Curriculum and GPA (weighted 0.2) | 1 – High – 3.5-4.0 UG or 3.7 -4.0 MS with particular excellence in discipline-specific courses & those that require higher-order thinking 2 – Medium – 3.0-3.49 UG or 3.3-3.69 MS with the majority of graded coursework representing discipline-specific &/or higher-order thinking 3 – Low – 2.9 or lower UG or 3.29 or lower MS (may be true for cumulative GPA or only where discipline-specific/foundational skills are concerned) | Did grades trend up, down, etc.? Were there 1 or 2 bad semesters that impacted the average? Were grades impacted after an event (i.e. change in major or institution)? After considering other material, were there life circumstances that negatively impacted performance? Did the applicant attend an institution that offered underrepresented experiences? |
Writing/Statement (weighted 0.15) | 1 – High – vivid clarity of thought, including strong description of research interest and qualifications, writing meets or exceeds standards for formal writing 2 – Medium – general clarity of thought, some description of research interest, writing largely does not diverge from formal communication standards 3 – Low – vague or general description of interest or experience, may contain writing style and form that is not professionally appropriate | Does the applicant bring a unique or underrepresented perspective or skill set that would be an asset to the Bredesen Center? Are there any traits displayed that could enhance the development and camaraderie of our community? Were there life circumstances that negatively impacted academic performance or opportunities for extracurricular experiences (i.e. personal or family health crises, major life transition, challenges related to underrepresented populations, etc.)? |
Work Experience (weighted 0.1) | 1 – High – R&D work or STEM work with evidence of promotion or staff at national laboratory/similar 2 – Medium – STEM work for 2+ years or staff at national laboratory/similar or student research assistant 3 – Low – little to no STEM-work experience |
Optional Materials
Component (by priority of consideration) | Points Values and Descriptions | Holistic Considerations |
GRE | 1 – High – 160-170 Quant or Qual and 5 Analytical 2 – Medium – 150-159 Quant or Qual and 4-4.9 Analytical 3 – Low – Lower than 150 Quant or Qual an 3.9 Analytical | Do the applicant’s scores align with the academic ability displayed in their transcripts? After considering other material, were there life circumstances that could explain the score results? |
Other (state component & justify your choice of points) | 1 – High 2 – Medium 3 – Low | After reviewing the application in it’s entirety, does the material demonstrate a breadth of qualifications that are greater than the sum of its parts? Are there patterns of concern not immediately noticed in the material alone? |