Luke Koch
Luke Koch
Data Science and Engineering (DSE)
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Jeff Nichols, Dr. Edmon Begoli, Dr. Sean Oesch
I study the intersection of cybersecurity and data science. My area of focus is malware dataset diversification and AI model hardening. Although AI is quickly becoming a core component of malware detection systems, it has its own vulnerabilities that are not well understood. My job is find these vulnerabilities.
My formal background is in mathematics with minors in computer science and analytics. In my spare time I enjoy reading on history, politics, and science fiction. I encourage anyone reading this bio to pursue cybersecurity. It can be a daunting field to break into, but being a part of keeping the public safe is deeply rewarding. The research topics that arise are quite fascinating as well.
A.S. from Pellissippi State Community College, B.A. in mathematics from Maryville College
Cybersecurity: data diversification and model hardening
Alpha Sigma Lambda, Alpha Gamma Sigma, Phi Theta Kappa honor societies. Dean’s List every semester, Most Outstanding and Most Promising Upperclassman in the Division of Mathematics and Computer Science at Maryville College 2020, 2nd place for undergraduate presentations at Mid-Southeast ACM Conference